Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Top Five Things:

I am thinking about this moment.

1. Updating this blog with something clever and engaging. Check.

2. Getting a pager.

Yes they still make them. Being outdoorsy and adventurous is almost a prerequisite for inhabiting the area where i live. However, living here, being outdoorsy and pursuing a career in miwifery (mid*whiff*er*ee) do not mesh well because of limited cell phone service due to the beautiful terrain. SO, in order to be able to do the camping, boating, hiking, getting out of towning that is necessary to maintain sanity, i have to get a pager. I am of course assuming that pagers run off some fabulous other system than cell phones and that i will receive every page promptly enabling me to rush my behind back to town in time to witness the miracle of birth. If you see holes in my grand scheme, please hold those thoughts - i am depending on this "quick-fix" because i just happen to be on call ALL SUMMER. Don't worry - i will keep you updated on this as details emerge.

3. What my facebook status should be this morning.

Sad to say, i think about that more than i would like. As if the perfect status is out there and if i could just attain it then EVERYBODY i know would comment and say something wonderful and make my day or send me money or flowers or???? As if it actually matters. I was excited about facebook at first - an opportunity to reconnect with people i havn't seen or talked to in years and years. Howwever it seems that once you find someone, once you have sent that initial message of "are you the one i am looking for?" and then, once you are friends, fill them in on what your life is since you knew eachother, there really isn't much else. A couple of my friends i can't even read their updates etc. because it is in a language i don't know - thats not fun. But i am still obessessed with the perfect status. Any suggestions?

4. Memorial Day.

I admit i don't know much about memorial day; the origins, the meaning etc. I mean, clearly it is meant to be a day set aside to remember people and things and are lost and gone forever. Seriously though - do we really need an entire day set aside for this? I know that there are plenty of people who have not yet experienced heavy loss and for them, maybe a memorial day is a great thing. But for those of us who have lost people that we love, we don't need a special day to remember them. They are always with us, the memory of this or that, the mind-numbing grief that rips our heart out at unexpected moments, the layer of sadness that settles like a top layer of skin- heavy at first but the longer you live with it the less you notice it although it won't ever leave entirely. I know it is a good pause for people to be able to visit the resting place of those they love and beautify their graves but i think it may be a little arogant to assume we wouldn't remember without it. How wonderfully american.

5. All the things i am avoiding while writing this.

For instance i need to water my strawbs (family slang for that succulent red fruit which if you bite it just the right way is a crimson reminder of a certain lovely part of the female anatomy). They have loads of blossoms already after just a few days of warmish weather and we are hopefull for the bounty to come. I also need to water my garden. We just planted it this last weekend and tried to restrain ourselves to planting only what we would actually eat - not necessarily what i want to try to grow. I also need to plant my sweet peas. Sweet peas are in my top five favorite flowers along with lilacs, tulips, gardenias and ... The first year we lived in this house, the only thing i planted in the yard were strawberry plants and sweet peas. The sweet peas thrived in their spot and i had blooms until november - unheard of in this climate! It was a lovely treat. I have since expanded my gardening plots and somehow didn't leave room for my beloved blossom so this year i am making sure to plant at least a few. Next year i am hoping for deck railing that they can climb and thrive on! I also need to get to the mailbox. I wrote some notes (on actual paper using whats called a pen) about a month ago and i have been carrying them around in my bag every since so it is time for completion there. *Then of course there is the never-ending laundry, more now that the littlest among us has learned to dress himself and changes OFTEN - its a real problem!

So a lovely day to you. The sun is shining and the sky is blue here, a perfect day for dreaming!

All the love in the universe~

*i borrowed that line from this guy.

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