Friday, May 22, 2009


It's the whining that did it. The incessant, high pitched, never-ending, brain sqeezing whining that has finally pushed me over the line where I was thinking aobut starting a blog to actually - finally - doing it. It's because i am hiding from them, the whiners, and needing an outlet to express my utter frustration besides upon their sweet little bottoms.

Will this be a good blog? I don't know. I have become increasingly obsessed with the blogosphere the last few months, using it as an excuse to avoid almost everything, but the more I have been reading, the more I have been wanting to write and so here I am, unsure of where to go but, as always, excited to see what the next moment will bring.

I guess the next step is to tell you something - almost anything - about me that will incite you to come back again although it may be easier to tell you things that do NOT apply to me. For instance, I do not have six fingers on my right hand (nor on my left for the really curious and yes i did have to look it up to make sure it was the right hand). I am not good at multi-tasking. I am not good at finishing projects (like this blog - don't be surprised if you never hear from me again). I am not very tech-savy so this blog may not be very pretty or clever so if thats what you are in it for i suggest moving on. I am also not a great mama. A good, kind , loving and fun mama but not great - hence the little temper tantrum over all the whining. i do try but there is only so much tolerance and patience allotted for a said 24-hour period and god help me if they don't nap! i am also really lazy about capitalizing my "i" when i am in a hurry and trying to type or write really fast. To this point i have been trying really hard to hit the right combination of keys to help create the illusion of perfection but there is something about leaving it in the lower case that is exciting and daring and so completely incorrect that i just can't help myself. Give me a break though - there isn't all that much excitement around here! I am also NOT going to have any more babies so for those of you hoping for another blog about radiant pregnancy, blissfull birth and the sleepless nights of new-parenthood you may opt out now. Been there, done that, and only a very spiteful universe would send another little blessing along just now or ever for that matter.

Moving along now to what i AM.
i AM in love with this life - even the whining part because at the end of the day i am surrounded by love, love, love, love! I am fortunate to be sharing this earth-walk with a man that i adore - even after 9 years of a little fun and a lot of babies and more responsibility and heartache than either of us ever foresaw but i guess that is life. I am mama to three amusing, annoying, loving, ridiculous, beautiful, cantakerous, perfect little people whose entrace into this world and my life has led to my lifes passion. I am daughter, sister, auntie, friend, mama, granddaughter. I am a lover of living things and have a flower garden just big enough to keep me busy with weeding and yelling at the cherubs to stay out of it - and of course cats to poop in. I am also working towards becoming a midwife - you know, the kind that assist women giving birth at home. I am two years in and impatient to know everything there is to know about it! I am also very cynical and possibly sarcastic so i warn you to read between the lines some times! I am also pretty crunchy and very interested in green living and urban farming (chickens coming soon i hope) natural stuff - in general upholding the idea that we need to be concious of how we live and make choices that will benefit seven generations from now. Safe to say those are some things that you will be reading about here.

So the whining is over and my lovely ducklings are outside leaving me a small window of quiet before they are hungry and at it again... A mother's work is never done ~sigh~ but laughing at the melodrama!

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